The Breastplate of Righteousness

The Breastplate of Righteousness

The breastplate not only represents the righteousness of Jesus Christ, but the righteousness he has given to us. Obedience in the Lord comes from our faith and love of him. This allows us to wear the breastplate so that it may defend our hearts and live in alignment with God's righteousness. This isn't a piece of armor we take up but one we have on at all times, it is how we are to live out our lives. Empowering us to live boldly and up-rightly so that we may serve in the way he has called us to.

We pray to be transformed while having on this piece of armor so that we may live by the truth of God. We pray to wear it boldly so we can walk in righteousness and be set apart, ready for every good work you have for us.

As always, we encourage you to dig into scripture for yourself! The word can hit us all a bit differently and we so want to see what the Lord is speaking into your life. Here's some recommended verses related to the breastplate, if you need somewhere to start.

 1 Thessalonians 5:8 
1 Timothy 6:11
Philippians 3:9
Ephesians 4:24
1 Corinthians 1:30


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